
Band : Iatrogenia
Title : Compulsive Pathological Carnifexia
Format : CD
Location : Mexico
Genre : Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVR131
Released : July 7, 2023
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Ectoplasm
Title : Land Of Thieves
Format : CD
Location : International
Genre : Brutal Deathcore
Label : Ghastly Music
CAT No : GM040/2023
Released : July 7, 2023
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Katholik
Title : Entropic Evolution
Format : CD
Location : California, USA
Genre : Technical Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVR132
Released : November 3, 2023
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Carthage
Title : Third Punic War
Format : CD
Location : Greece
Genre : Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVR133
Released : November 3, 2023
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Utterly Dissected
Title : Lacerating Cavity Several Genocide
Format : CD
Location : Indonesia
Genre : Brutal Death Metal
Label : Ghastly Music
CAT No : GM041/2023
Released : November 3, 2023
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Sickening
Title : The Death King
Format : CD
Location : Italy
Genre : Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVR134
Released : February 2, 2024
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Klysma
Title : Death
Format : CD
Location : Belgium / The Netherlands
Genre : Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVR135
Released : February 2, 2024
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Spiritual Deception
Title : Semitae Mentis
Format : CD
Location : Italy
Genre : Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVR136
Released : February 9, 2024
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Cephalotripsy
Title : Uterovaginal Insertion Of Extirpated Anomalies Re​-​Issue
Format : CD
Location : California, USA
Genre : Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVR019-2008
Released : July 13, 2024
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Cephalotripsy
Title : Epigenetic Neurogenesis
Format : CD
Location : California, USA
Genre : Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVR139
Released : July 13, 2024
Purchase : Buy now