
Band : Fatuous Rump
Title : Disposing Slobs Of Corporal Fatberg
Format : CD
Location : Taiwan
Genre : Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVR087
Released : May 6, 2018
Purchase : Buy now


Band : With All My Hate
Title : Dehumanized Depths
Format : CD
Location : Spain
Genre : Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVR088
Released : September 7, 2018
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Cerebral Secretion
Title : Infinite Realms Of Decay
Format : CD
Location : Australia
Genre : Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVR089
Released : September 7, 2018
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Klysma
Title : Sick
Format : CD
Location : Belgium / The Netherlands
Genre : Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Label : Ghastly Music
CAT No : GM035/2018
Released : September 7, 2018
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Corpsedecay
Title : Sick And Dirty Thoughts RE-ISSUE
Format : CD
Location : Colombia
Genre : Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVR090
Released : October 5, 2018
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Carthage
Title : Punic War!
Format : CD
Location : Greece
Genre : Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVR091
Released : October 5, 2018
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Torturous Inception
Title : Arcane Dominion
Format : CD
Location : New York, USA
Genre : Technical Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVR092
Released : December 7, 2018
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Devour The Fetus
Title : Traumatic Birth Delight
Format : CD
Location : France
Genre : Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVR093
Released : February 8, 2019
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Implements Of Hell
Title : Sea Of Necrophenomena
Format : CD
Location : Nevada, USA
Genre : Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVR094
Released : February 8, 2019
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Raped By Pigs
Title : Mental Diseases And Congenital Malformation
Format : CD
Location : Peru
Genre : Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVR095
Released : February 8, 2019
Purchase : Buy now