
Band : Parasitic Ejaculation
Title : Isolation
Format : CD
Location : California, USA
Genre : Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVR076
Released : July 7, 2017
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Hateful Transgression
Title : Meaningless
Format : CD
Location : North Carolina, USA
Genre : Blackened Death Metal
Label : Ghastly Music
CAT No : GM030/2017
Released : August 4, 2017
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Devourment
Title : 1.3.8. RE-ISSUE
Format : CD
Location : Texas, USA
Genre : Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVR078
Released : August 29, 2017
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Implements Of Hell
Title : Propitiatory Punishment
Format : CD
Location : Nevada, USA
Genre : Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVRD011
Released : August 29, 2017
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Fatuous Rump
Title : Propagation Of The Foul
Format : CD
Location : Taiwan
Genre : Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVR077
Released : September 8, 2017
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Ohio Slamboys
Title : You Won\’t Last Long In Ohio
Format : CD
Location : France
Genre : Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Label : Ghastly Music
CAT No : GM031/2017
Released : September 8, 2017
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Pathological Sadism
Title : Cadaverously Enwormed In Putridity
Format : CD
Location : Thailand
Genre : Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVRD012
Released : October 13, 2017
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Maleceptor
Title : The Flesh Harvest
Format : CD
Location : UK
Genre : Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVR075
Released : October 13, 2017
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Scourge
Title : Roam In Purgatory
Format : CD
Location : Belgium
Genre : Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Label : Ghastly Music
CAT No : GM032/2017
Released : October 13, 2017
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Gutrectomy
Title : Slampocalypse
Format : CD
Location : Germany
Genre : Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVR079
Released : December 8, 2017
Purchase : Buy now