Title : Consumed
Format : 7″ Vinyl
Location : Maryland, USA
Genre : Brutal Death Grind
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVRD009
Released : September 2, 2014
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Postcoital Ulceration
Title : Continuation Of Defective Existence After Multiple Ruinous Collapses
Format : CD
Location : Russia
Genre : Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Label : Ghastly Music
CAT No : GM012/2014
Released : August 12, 2014
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Back Door To Asylum
Title : Cerberus Millenia
Format : CD
Location : Russia
Genre : Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVR053
Released : August 12, 2014
Purchase : Buy now


Band : ICON & The black Roses
Title : Thorns
Format : CD
Location : UK
Genre : Dark Gothic Rock
Label : Ambivalence Music
CAT No : LAH002
Released : August 11, 2014
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Relics Of Humanity
Title : Ominously Reigning Upon The Intangible
Format : CD
Location : Belarus
Genre : Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVR052
Released : July 8, 2014
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Devour The Unborn
Title : Consuming The Morgue Remains RE​-​ISSUE
Format : CD
Location : Texas, USA
Genre : Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVR051
Released : March 11, 2014
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Shattered Eye
Title : Prelude (To The Atrocious Path Of Humanity)
Format : CD
Location : Mexico
Genre : Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVR050
Released : March 11, 2014
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Kyojin Daigyakusatsu (巨人大虐殺)
Title : MUHAKA
Format : CD
Location : Texas, USA
Genre : Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVR049
Released : January 14, 2014
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Waking The Cadaver
Title : Real​-​Life Death
Format : CD
Location : New Jersey, USA
Genre : Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVR048
Released : November 5, 2013
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Parasitic Ejaculation
Title : Rationing The Sacred Human Remains
Format : CD
Location : California, USA
Genre : Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Label : Ghastly Music
CAT No : GM011/2013
Released : July 22, 2013
Purchase : Buy now