
Band : Visions Of Disfigurement
Title : Abhorrent Extinction RE-ISSUE
Format : CD
Location : UK
Genre : Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Label : Ghastly Music
CAT No : GM026/2017
Released : February 10, 2017
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Mental Cruelty
Title : Pereat Mundus
Format : CD
Location : Germany
Genre : Brutal Deathcore
Label : Ghastly Music
CAT No : GM025/2017
Released : February 10, 2017
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Heisenberg
Title : Heisenberg
Format : CD
Location : New York, USA
Genre : Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVR069
Released : December 9, 2016
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Disfigurement Of Flesh
Title : Deity Of Hideous Fertility
Format : CD
Location : Russia
Genre : Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVR068
Released : October 7, 2016
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Putrefied Cadaver
Title : Weight Of Massive Shots
Format : CD
Location : Russia
Genre : Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Label : Ghastly Music
CAT No : GM024/2016
Released : August 12, 2016
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Decimated Humans
Title : Dismantling The Decomposed Entities
Format : CD
Location : Nevada, USA / Australia
Genre : Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Label : Ghastly Music
CAT No : GM023/2016
Released : August 12, 2016
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Poppy Seed Grinder
Title : Bleeding Civilization
Format : CD
Location : Czech Republic
Genre : Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVR067
Released : August 12, 2016
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Orphalis
Title : The Birth Of Infinity
Format : CD
Location : Germany
Genre : Technical Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVR066
Released : August 12, 2016
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Eximperituserqethhzebibšiptugakkathšulweliarzaxułum
Title : Prajecyruju​č​y Sinhuliarnaje Wypramie​ń​wa​ń​nie Daktryny Absaliutnaha J Usiopah​ł​yna​ĺ​naha Z​ł​a Skroź Ša​ś​cihrannuju Pryzmu S​î​n​​​-​​​Ahh​ī​​​-​​​Er​ī​ba Na Hipierpawierchniu Zadyjaka​ĺ​naha Ka ŭ​č​ę​ha Zasnawa​ĺ​nikaŭ Kosmat​ę​chni​č​naha Ord​ę​na Palieakantakta​​​.​​​.​​​.
Format : CD
Location : Belarus
Genre : Technical Brutal Death Metal
Label : Amputated Vein Records
CAT No : AVR065
Released : July 8, 2016
Purchase : Buy now


Band : Sacramental Blood
Title : Ternion Demonarchy
Format : CD
Location : Serbia
Genre : Old-Schooll Death Metal
Label : Ghastly Music
CAT No : GM022/2016
Released : May 6, 2016
Purchase : Buy now